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Eddie Fisher | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for Eddie Fisher
Name Eddie Fisher (joined 30-Apr-2006) (pbase supporter)
Username tull777
Location Alaska, USA
Alaska, USA
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View Galleries : Eddie Fisher has 39 galleries and 3026 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 1180900 times.

View Guestbook : 47 messages. Most recent on 11-Dec-2016.

Message from Eddie Fisher
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Canon Photo Equipment:

30D Digital SLR Camera

100-400mm IS Lens
100mm Macro Lens
28-135mm IS Lens
10-22mm Lens


Canon Speedlite 580EX II Flash

Off-Camera Flash Shoe Cord

Angle Finder C

Wireless Flash Trigger

Lensbaby 2.0

Visible Dust Sensor Brush

SanDisk Ultra II 1-GB CompaceFlash Card(Total: 5)

SanDisk Ultra II 2-GB CompaceFlash Card(Total: 2)

SanDisk Extreme III 2-GB CompaceFlash Card(Total: 1)

Battery Grip Extension W/Two Batteries

Shutter Release Remote Cable Switch

Timer Remote Controller

B+W Polarizer & Haze(KR-1.5) Lens Filters

Velbon Composite Tripod W/Quick Release

Manfrotto 486RC2 Ball Head

Velbon Composite Monopod W/Quick Release

Lowepro "DryZone 200" Water Proof Backpack

FujiFilm FinePix A345 Zoom Digital Camera

Adobe Photoshop CS5

Lightroom 3.2

When you want to test the depths of a fishing stream, don’t use both feet.

-Chinese Proverb

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