Menjangan by Marcelo Faustino
Camplung Mas Resort by Kazuo Lim Khee Boon
Yogyakarta by Candebat Drew
The Wedding of Gustu and Hani 2007 by Ngakan Nyoman Maesa Yuda
Gua Tengkorak, Kalimantan Timur by Archiaston Musamma Family
Bali 2012 by Suzy Walker-Toye
Shrimps & Crabs by Carlos Montechi
Kuta Night Life by Kazuo Lim Khee Boon
Pantara Island of Thousand Island Cluster Sep 2006 by Emanuel Andy
BIS Track and Field Meet Held in Jakarta 2008 by Paul Riley
Mount Merapi Sunrise by Kazuo Lim Khee Boon
Clows & Seahorses by Carlos Montechi